Piles is a common ailment seen among both men and women
population across the world. However, more women are affected by piles than men
and this reason behind this observation is not yet known. This disease seen
among people belonging to the adolescent age group as well as middle aged group
who lead a highly stressed lifestyle.
The medical term for piles is hemorrhoids. It is a situation in
which the veins around the lower rectum or the anus become inflamed and swell.
It can be simply described as the varicosity of the veins of the lower rectum.
Due to the stagnated blood in this region, the veins turn bluish in color.
Piles occur due to the increased pressured around the anal opening from
external as well as internal veins.
Piles can be either external or internal. Internal hemorrhoids
cannot be felt or seen unless they are quite severe. However, the person sees a
dark blood discharge from the stool. On the other hand, external hemorrhoids
are visible to the naked eye around the exterior part of the anus. External
hemorrhoids usually cause a lot of pain but there is no bleeding. In some
patients, these inflamed veins burst which results in bleeding.
Though there are various treatments and remedies available for
piles, it is usually advised that the person should not heavily rely on
medicines to treat them. In many cases, even with the most prolonged and
extensive medical treatments, piles may return. Making lifestyle changes, like
increasing intake of fiber rich foods and water can eradicate this disease.
For more information about piles remedies visit on www.vaidrishi.com/arshkalp.html
For more information about piles remedies visit on www.vaidrishi.com/arshkalp.html